Why am I even here?

Have you ever felt the need to raise your voice against something that you feel is wrong but weren’t able to do so? Well, if yes, then you’re not alone and I’m sure there are gonna be many of us who have felt the same way at least once, twice or a hundredth time. I’m quite sure of this because if all of us had the courage or guts to stand up against the wrong, the world wouldn’t  be the way it is today. It would have been much better, trust me, much much better. But I’m not going to blame anyone cause in the end, I’m also one of you. I’ve also felt the need to say something at times but never had the guts to so here I am. In an unknown place with an anonymous identity, trying to speak my mind and not be suppressed by the society and at least for once, not care about what the ‘people’ are going to think. I’m here to share my opinion on things the way I feel about them and not the way society wants us to think. I’m here with a hope that maybe I’ll be able to change some wrong notions and encourage others, as well as myself, to be more courageous. And hopefully, one day I’ll be able to express my opinions out  in the world, in front of everyone, without a second thought of what others might perceive. 

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